A New Year..

I am back! Thank you for being patient whilst I took a break 🙂

Some of you may have started the new year with a resolution to get fitter and eat healthier (well done) so I thought I would share with you a few tips on sustainability.

Diet and exercise are important but realistically, it’s about BALANCE.

1. If you enjoy going out and socialising with friends and family, keep doing it. Don’t swap socialising for the gym, you can do both.

2. If you enjoy a particular food, don’t deprive yourself of it – just don’t be silly with it.

3. Following on from above: include treats in your shopping. When all you can think about is chocolate and there’s none in the house, you’ll go out, probably buy a BIG bar and scoff the lot. Allow for so many treats a week and you’ll make them last all week (also a lot easier to keep track of what you’ve had)

4. Keep a diary. Write down what exercise you’ve done, food you’ve eaten and what you’ve drunk. It’s hard to make alterations if you’re not tracking where you’re at.

5. Set little goals. Walk to the shops, learn to do a press up, eat an apple a day etc

6. Don’t beat yourself up. If you pig out one day, don’t feel like you’ve ruined all your hard work, everybody has pig out days. Tomorrow is a different day and you can do it a different way.

7. Team up. Get a gym friend, you’ll motivate each other.

8. Try new things. If there’s a class you’ve wanted to try, give it a go, you may love it but if not, that’s ok. Same with food, your super healthy friend loves quinoa but you’ve never actually tried it? Give it a go and again, it’s ok not to like it.

9. Find workout gear you feel confident and comfortable in. I feel way more motivated putting on fun and colourful leggings/sports bras/tanks than if I were to just wear head-to-toe black. Others may feel more confident in black!

10. Get following some inspiring people on Instagram and Twitter. There are some brilliant YouTubers/bloggers out there too. I’m personally in love with these three: Carly Rowena, Cat Meffan and Lottie Murphy. Check out the girls in the Active in Style Lookbook – also helpful for tip no. 9!

Those are my tips but feel free to include yours in the comments below!

P.S. As in 2014, posts will go up on Monday.


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M. I. A.

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I feel I owe you all a bit of an explanation/apology for being M.I.A for a while…

I was getting really excited about bringing you some festive blog posts and I had loads of ideas so I went on Twitter as there was a Christmas themed blogger chat – it wasn’t as cheery as I thought it would be! People were commenting saying they didn’t enjoy all the gift guides, the party wear posts, the Christmas DIYs, etc because they felt that every blogger was doing the same thing. Personally, I love these kinds of posts and were some of the posts I was planning on putting out but I don’t want to post content that will be boring/same-y for my readers so I scrapped these from my schedule.

With Christmas approaching, work has been very stressful (yes, even more than normal), after work I’ve just been wanting to go to the gym and then get home and chill. I didn’t feel like it mattered whether I posted or not.

Finally, I have been struggling to keep a hold on everything at home. Week starting November 24th we had to move out and Thor went to his holiday home whilst our bathroom was being torn out and replaced. On Thursday 27th November my Granddad passed away. We had booked to go to London on Saturday 29th November and I was planning on taking lots of photos for an “Out & About” post, although we decided that we were still going to go, I didn’t really feel much like documenting our day.

Granddad’s funeral isn’t until the 19th December and I’m trying (really hard) to find my Christmas cheer again..

I’m sorry, I may not see you again until January so I want to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I hope 2015 deals you a good hand.

And please, if you have any suggestions about what you’d like to see, I’d love to know!